
Archive for the 'Ethernet PHYs' Category

  • February 10, 2023

    Marvell 数据中心互连解决方案获得 2023 年 Lightwave 创新荣誉奖

    By Kristin Hehir, Senior Manager, PR and Marketing, Marvell





    Marvell has been honored with two 2023 Lightwave Innovation Reviews high scores, validating its leadership in PAM4 DSP solutions for data infrastructure. The two awards reflect the industry’s recognition of Marvell’s recent best-in-class innovations to address the growing bandwidth and interconnect needs of cloud data center networks. An esteemed and experienced panel of third-party judges from the optical communications community recognized Marvell as a high-scoring honoree.

    “On behalf of the Lightwave Innovation Reviews, I would like to congratulate Marvell on their high-scoring honoree status,” said Lightwave Editorial Director, Stephen Hardy. “This competitive program allows Lightwave to celebrate and recognize the most innovative products impacting the optical communications community this year.”

    Marvell was recognized for the Marvell® Alaska® A PAM4 DSP Family for Active Electrical Cables (AECs) and the Marvell® Spica™ Gen 2 800G PAM4 Electro-Optics Platform, both in the Data Center Interconnect Platforms category. Key features of these 2023 Lightwave Innovation Reviews honorees include:

  • November 08, 2022

    TSN 和 Prestera DX1500: 跨越 IT/OT 鸿沟的桥梁

    By Reza Eltejaein, Director, Product Marketing, Marvell

    Manufacturers, power utilities and other industrial companies stand to gain the most in digital transformation. Manufacturing and construction industries account for 37 percent of total energy used globally*, for instance, more than any other sector. By fine-tuning operations with AI, some manufacturers can reduce carbon emission by up to 20 percent and save millions of dollars in the process.

    Industry, however, remains relatively un-digitized and gaps often exist between operational technology – the robots, furnaces and other equipment on factory floors—and the servers and storage systems that make up a company’s IT footprint. Without that linkage, organizations can’t take advantage of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies, also referred to as Industry 4.0. Of the 232.6 million pieces of fixed industrial equipment installed in 2020, only 10 percent were IIoT-enabled.

    Why the gap? IT often hasn’t been good enough. Plants operate on exacting specifications. Engineers and plant managers need a “live” picture of operations with continual updates on temperature, pressure, power consumption and other variables from hundreds, if not thousands, of devices. Dropped, corrupted or mis-transmitted data can lead to unanticipated downtime—a $50 billion year problem—as well as injuries, blackouts, and even explosions.

    To date, getting around these problems has required industrial applications to build around proprietary standards and/or complex component sets. These systems work—and work well—but they are largely cut off from the digital transformation unfolding outside the factory walls.

    The new Prestera® DX1500 switch family is aimed squarely at bridging this divide, with Marvell extending its modern borderless enterprise offering into industrial applications. Based on the IEEE 802.1AS-2020 standard for Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), Prestera DX1500 combines the performance requirements of industry with the economies of scale and pace of innovation of standards-based Ethernet technology. Additionally, we integrated the CPU and the switch—and in some models the PHY—into a single chip to dramatically reduce power, board space and design complexity.

    Done right, TSN will lower the CapEx and OpEx for industrial technology, open the door to integrating Industry 4.0 practices and simplify the process of bringing new equipment to market.

  • January 10, 2018


    作者:Marvell 公关团队

    有线和无线连接传输数据的方式正在发生重大转变, 而导致这些变化的原因来自于不同行业的多个层面。

    在汽车领域,随着新特性和新功能的引入,基于 CAN 和 LIN 的传统通信技术已经不足以满足需求。 我们必须部署更先进的车载网络,能够支持千兆位级的数据速率,这样才能处理由高清摄像头、更精密的信息娱乐系统、汽车雷达和 LiDAR 生成的大量数据。 With CAN, LIN and other automotive networking technologies not offering viable upgrade paths, it is clear that Ethernet will be the basis of future in-vehicle network infrastructure - offering the headroom needed as automobile design progresses towards the long term goal of fully autonomous vehicles. Marvell 在这场博弈中已经占据了领先位置,公司发布了业界首款安全车载千兆以太网交换机,提供当今汽车高数据负载设计所需的速度,同时还确保安全运行,减少黑客攻击或拒绝服务 (DoS) 攻击的威胁。

    随着工业 4.0 的到来,在现代工厂和加工厂环境中,我们将通过使用机器对机器 (M2M) 通信,进一步提升自动化程度。 这种通信能够实现数据访问,这些数据是由分布在生产现场的大量不同传感器节点提供。 对这些数据进行长期深入分析,最终将提高现代工厂环境的效率和生产率。 能够支持千兆数据速率的以太网经过考验已成为主要候选技术,并已得到广泛部署。 它不仅能够满足速度和带宽要求,具备在各种环境条件下(例如高温、静电放电、振动)必需的稳定性,还提供低延迟特性,这种特性对于实时控制/分析是必不可少的。 Marvell 开发了非常精密的千兆以太网收发器,主要针对此类应用,性能更加出色。

    在数据中心,情况也在发生着变化,但在这种场景下,涉及的原则有些不同。 数据中心更加侧重于如何处理更大的数据量,同时控制相关的资本和运营开支。 Marvell has been championing a more cost effective and streamlined approach through its Prestera® PX Passive Intelligent Port Extender (PIPE) products. 当今的数据中心工程师采用了模块化方法,以部署能够满足其特定需求的网络基础设施,而无需提高不必要的复杂性,避免增加成本和功耗。 由此设计出的解决方案具有充分可扩展性,不仅更加经济实惠,而且能效更低。

    In the wireless domain, there is ever greater pressure being placed upon WLAN hardware - in the home, office, municipal and retail environments. 随着用户密度增大,整体数据容量随之增加,网络运营商和服务提供商必须能够适应目前在用户行为方面发生的变化。 Wi-Fi 连接的用途不再限于下载数据,还更多地用于上传数据,这将是个重要的考虑因素。 很多不同应用都将需要数据上传,包括增强现实游戏、高清视频内容共享和基于云的创新活动等。 为了满足这种需求,Wi-Fi 技术必须在上行链路和下行链路上都展现出增强的带宽容量。

    倍受期待的 802.11ax 协议的推出必将全盘改变 Wi-Fi 技术的实施方式。 Not only will this allow far greater user densities to be supported (thereby meeting the coverage demands of places where large numbers of people are in need of Internet access, such as airports, sports stadia and concert venues), it also offers greater uplink/downlink data capacity - supporting multi-Gigabit operation in both directions. Marvell 期望通过近期发布的千兆位级 802.11ax Wi-Fi 系统单晶片 (SoC),进一步推动 Wi-Fi 技术发展,它是业界首款可在上行链路和下行链路上都提供正交频分多址接入 (OFDMA) 和多用户 MIMO 运行的产品。 欲了解有关 Marvell 产品如何应对全球数据传输激增的更多信息,请访问 www.marvell.com

  • November 06, 2017

    USR联盟:促成一个开放的多芯片模块 (MCM) 生态系统

    By Gidi Navon, Senior Principal Architect, Marvell

    USRA logo为了适应不断提高的带宽需求、设计的复杂性、新工艺的出现以及多学科技术的整合等要求,半导体行业正在经历指数性增长和更加快速的变化。 所有这些又都是在越来越短的开发周期和越来越激烈的竞争背景下发生的。 在软件和硬件等技术驱动的其他产业领域,正在通过建立一系列开放的联盟和开放的标准来解决类似的挑战。 This blog does not attempt to list all the open alliances that now exist --  the Open Compute Project, Open Data Path and the Linux Foundation are just a few of the most prominent examples. 但目前还有一个技术领域没有采纳这种开放式的合作,这就是多芯片模块 (MCM),它是将多个半导体晶片封装在一起,从而在一个单一封装中能够创建一个完整的系统。


    • Improved yield - Instead of creating large monolithic dies with low yield and higher cost (which sometimes cannot even be fabricated), splitting the silicon into multiple die can significantly improve the yield of each building block and the combined solution. 更高的良率最终转化为成本的降低。
    • Optimized process - The final MCM product is a mix-and-match of units in different fabrication processes which enables optimizing of the process selection for specific IP blocks with similar characteristics.
    • Multiple fabrication plants - Different fabs, each with its own unique capabilities, can be utilized to create a given product.
    • Product variety - New products are easily created by combining different numbers and types of devices to form innovative and cost‑optimized MCMs.
    • Short product cycle time - Dies can be upgraded independently, which promotes ease in the addition of new product capabilities and/or the ability to correct any issues within a given die. 例如,可以给新产品集成全新的 I/O 接口,而无需重新设计解决方案中那些稳定运行且不需改变的部分,从而避免浪费时间和金钱。
    • Economy of scale - Each die can be reused in multiple applications and products, increasing its volume and yield as well as the overall return on the initial investment made in its development.

    Sub-dividing large semiconductor devices and mounting them on an MCM has now become the new printed circuit board (PCB) - providing smaller footprint, lower power, higher performance and expanded functionality. 

    现在,我们可以想象一下,上面列出的优势并不局限于某家芯片供应商,而是可以由整个行业共享。 通过开放和标准化晶片之间的接口,就能引入一个真正的开放平台,而在此平台下,来自不同公司且具有各自技术专长的设计团队,可以创造出任何单打独斗的公司所不能及的各种新产品。

    这正是 USR 联盟所要倡导实施的所在。 USR 联盟已经定义了离 (USR) 链路,针对单一封装中所含组件之间的非常短距离通信进行了优化。 现有的跨越封装边界和连接器的超短距离 (VSR) PHY 需要面对一些不属于封装内部的技术挑战,而 USR 链路则可以提供更高的带宽,更低的功耗和更小的芯片尺寸。 此外,USR PHY 是基于多线差分信号传输技术,专门针对 MCM 环境进行了优化。

    有很多应用都可以通过 USR 链路实施, 例如 CPU、交换机和路由器、FPGA、DSP、模拟组件和各种长距离电光接口等等。可能的 MCM 布局范例 图 1: 可能的 MCM 布局范例 

    作为 USR 联盟的一个积极推动者,Marvell 公司正在努力建造一个关于互操作组件、互连、协议和软件的生态系统,以帮助半导体产业为市场带来更多价值。  USR 联盟正在与业界和其他标准开发组织合作,共同创建 PHY、MAC 和软件标准以及互操作性协议,同时为了确保广泛的互操作性,也在推动开发关于 USR 应用(包括认证计划)的完整生态系统。

    欲了解关于 USR 联盟的详细信息,请访问: www.usr-alliance.org
