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Marvell Honored as Glassdoor Best Places to Work in 2023

SANTA CLARA, Calif.— Jan. 13, 2023— Marvell Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: MRVL), a leader in data infrastructure semiconductor solutions, today announced it has received the prestigious Glassdoor Employees' Choice Award, honoring the top 100 Best Places to Work in 2023 across the United States. Marvell ranked #22 on the list, earning the second highest ranking amongst semiconductor companies. The Glassdoor Employees' Choice Awards are based on the input of employees who voluntarily provide anonymous feedback on Glassdoor by completing a company review about their job, work environment and employer over the past year.

“This award is a testament to our culture and dedication to creating a collaborative, compassionate and respectful workplace,” said Matt Murphy, Marvell's President and CEO. “At Marvell we take pride in creating an environment in which employees are able to thrive and advance in their careers, and this award is a reflection of that. I'd like to thank the Marvell team for making Marvell a great place to work.”

Marvell has received a number of other awards for being a great workplace including, most recently, being honored with multiple Built In 2023 Best Places to Work awards.

  • Built In San Francisco Best Large Places to Work (2023)

  • Built In San Francisco Best Places to Work (2023)

  • Built In U.S. Best Large Places to Work (2023)

  • Silicon Valley Business Journal Top 50 Silicon Valley Corporate Philanthropists (2022)

  • San Francisco Business Times Top 100 Bay Area Corporate Philanthropists (2022)

  • San Francisco Business Times and Silicon Valley Business Journal Best Large Places to Work Overall (2022)

  • San Francisco Business Times and Silicon Valley Business Journal Best Large Places to Work for Workplace Wellness (2022)

For more on Marvell’s industry recognition, please visit our website.

About Marvell

为了通过数据基础设施技术实现全球互联的愿景,我们正在构建非常强大的基础解决方案: 我们与客户携手。 二十五年来,Marvell 深受世界位居前列的技术公司的信赖,以客户当前需求和未来理想为设计路线,运用专业半导体解决方案实现对全球数据的移动、存储、处理与保护。 通过深度协作、践行透明化的沟通方式,我们致力于促进未来企业、云、汽车和运营商架构的不断转型与完善。

About Glassdoor

Glassdoor is revolutionizing how people everywhere find jobs and companies they love by providing deeper workplace transparency. Professionals turn to Glassdoor to research ratings, reviews, salaries and more at millions of employers, and to Fishbowl by Glassdoor to engage in candid workplace conversations.  Companies use Glassdoor to post jobs and attract talent through employer branding and employee insights products. Glassdoor is a subsidiary of Recruit Holdings, a leading global technology company, and a part of its fast-growing HR Technology business unit. For more information, visit


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